Newsletter 14

 October 5th      

Léif Orientéierungs Leefer,

When the last LuxOC newsletter went out a year ago, little did we know what´s in store for our club – and humanity. The plan was to stick to a quarterly rhythm of newsletters and report on club life and races past and future. Then corona struck.

I vividly remember bading farewell to the last of about a dozen or so diners gathered around our dinner table after the final race of the LUX NUL winter series on 4 March and being blissfully unaware of the severity of the situation. Then came a lovely season opener near Thionville on 8 March, still more or less normal (although one could already see things were amiss, what with the habitual „trois bisous“ frowned upon) and then – lockdown.

More in the Newsletter 14

PS: do not miss the training on the new map in Bambësch on Sunday 11th.

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